I'm sick of Central Park having more money and more nice things than we do. Fuck you, Central Park ... your shiny zoo, your Marionette Theatre, your numbered lamp-posts, your pristine outbuildings, and your wild edibles tours.
With a chip on my shoulder, I set out to find something that I could chow on. I don't care if it's only a damn dandelion. I figure we must have our own species of tasty treats right here within the iron-gated walls of Le Parc de la Perspective.
Rose Hips are a good source of vitamin C. You could also make jam, jelly, pies, syrup. (Personally, I would like to see Rose Hiptinies at Union Hall.) Also, I read that the little bulbies are good for a smooth coat and hoof growth - too bad they're not growing around the horse pen area.
Of course, it's not quite Fall yet, so the Rose Hips are not quite ready. Maybe in a month. Or like a Trust Fund Tea Lounger, maybe they'll never ripen.
Ed - Thought this was important to bring to the front page - Janet writes to tell us, "As to the "wild edibles" tours, Steve Brill does them several times a year in Prospect Park, including, if his website is correct, this Saturday (August 30th)." Wildman Steve Brill's excellent website with schedules and info can be found here.
Here's a good way to have some fun when you're not roaming the park, Parker. Take a camera into Union Market, snap away, and watch how uptight they get. We are talking twisted panties, or jockstraps, as the case may be.
But at Pumpkins, they've have no qualms with this trigger-happy fool.
As to the "wild edibles" tours, Steve Brill does them several times a year in Prospect Park, including, if his website is correct, this Saturday (August 30th)
On the subject of getting whacked on wild edibles... anyone know where to score some tea in the park?
Things have dried up over here in the Slope.
Lay some love on us pls.
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